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- env-handler v1.8
- © 2001 by Stephan Rupprecht
- All rights reserved.
- env-handler is copyrighted 2001 by Stephan Rupprecht.
- All rights reserved. This program is freeware, so no financial
- donations required. Redistribution allowed if the package is
- left unchanged. The author is not responsible for any damage
- caused by the use or misuse of this documentation and/or the
- program(s) it describes.
- All mentioned trademarks are subject to their respective owners.
- - Any Amiga® (compatible) computer with at least OS3.0.
- - 68020-60cpu.
- env-handler is a RAM disk specialized for enviroment variables
- that are usually located in RAM:Env. This program does pretty
- much the same as HappyENV by Martin Gierich, so you probably
- wonder why I wrote another program of this kind. The reason
- for this is simply that HappyENV is very buggy and at least
- v1.1 doesn't even work here on my system. The advantages of
- env-handler over RAM:Env are:
- - low memory usage
- - faster access to env variables
- - a "delete ram:#? all" doesn't hurt ENV vars.
- - faster booting (no need to copy envarc: to env:)
- Simply copy 'env-handler' to your C: (or L: if you prefer
- it) drawer. Next edit your s:startup-sequence and look for
- the following lines (the lines your s:s-s might look a bit
- different):
- MakeDir RAM:ENV
- Assign ENV: RAM:Env
- C:Copy ENVARC:~(#?.info) ENV: ALL QUIET
- or when you're upgrading from HappyEnv
- MountEnv
- and replace them/it with (this line should be placed before the
- Assigns in your s:s-s).
- C:env-handler ADDVOLNODE
- The ADDVOLNODE option is optional (that's why it is called an option:).
- If set, env-handler will add the volume "Env Disk" to your system which you
- can access via Workbench or the ASL filerequester. In case you don't
- want to see the Env volume on your wb, you can hide it via workbench
- prefs (os3.5/9). The icon for the Env: volume must be named "def_ENV.info"
- and placed in ENVARC:Sys, alternatively you can also create a "disk.info"
- in ENVARC:
- In additon to ADDVOLNODE, the VOLNAME option can be set to change the
- default name of the Env: disk. Eg. VOLNAME=Stephan let you change the
- diskname to Stephan :) Please note that VOLNAME only works when ADDVOLNODE
- is also specified.
- The computer stops booting at "C:InitPPCLib": Make sure that "MakeDir ram:t
- ram:clipboards" and "l:env-handler" is placed before "C:InitPPCLib".
- 1.0 first public release
- 1.1 the ACTION_SET_FILE_SIZE packet returned a wrong value on success,
- which made SetEnv fail. Funny, it never happend on my system. Thanks
- to all who have reported this problem. To avoid possible conflicts,
- the Env volume is named "Env Disk", now (when ADDVOLNODE is specified).
- 1.2 notification should work on all systems, now. Thanks to Jan-Erik
- Karlsson for testing.
- 1.3 YAM+AppChange problem (Please insert Env: in any drive) solved.
- AppChange tries to load "Env:def_New:0 Total:0.info" which isn't
- a valid path (because of the 2 additional colons) and therefore
- caused DOS to put the error requester. Thanks to Andreas Kürzinger
- who gave me the "AppChange" tip. Fixed RAWBInfo and DirOpus displaying
- the wrong size for a drawer. "MakeDir env:xyz/" created a nameless
- directory <Robin>. Thanks to D. Dominguez for the spanish
- documentation.
- 1.4 reduced memory usage a bit. Fixed another "Please insert Env: in any
- drive" problem. added VOLNAME option. fixed Archive bit usage.
- 1.5 came back to some old code because people reported that v1.4 crashs
- on their system.
- 1.6 1.4 is back :) Thanks to Andrea Vallinotto and Steve Holland for
- the debugtool output.
- 1.7 fixed another notification problem. Thanks to Dagfinn Olsen for reporting
- and testing.
- 1.8 yet another notification bug fixed. Thanks to all who reported the
- problem and tested the new version.
- Please send bug reports and ideas to:
- Stephan Rupprecht
- Apfeldweg 1
- D44359 Dortmund
- Germany
- Send emails to
- info@stephan-rupprecht.de
- http://stephan-rupprecht.de